
TF-Technologies - Dedicated on site support

We deliver dedicated support

No matter where you are, we will help you. We offer qualified audio-visual guidance and advice by phone or digitally, and for local customers, we go onsite for support.

For the rest of the world, we have local partner operations to keep you covered. Just get in touch and we’ll connect you to a specialist in our support network.


Even rugged equipment needs fixing once in a while. Our repair workshop is fully equipped to perform electronic repairs and has a quick turn-around time.

We perform full inspection and control, fault analysis, replacement of worn parts and testing after assembly and inspection, so that your product is returned in top working condition, ready for reliable operation.

If replacement is more cost-effective than repair, you receive a quotation prior to repair.

Outstanding support

Need support?

Hotline: +45 8883 2160



Help yourself to 24/7 support using our Paving Academy that shows you how it all works.

Paving Academy, Working Window

How to adjust working window - HS301

How-to video

Working window is how big a change, the handset will react to with locking regulation

G221 mini-line installation

Mini-Line® G221 Installation

How-to video

How to setup Mini-Line® Grade Control System with G221 Ultrasonic Grade Sensor and HS301...

How to adjust sensitivity on HS301 Mini-Line TF-Technologies

How to adjust sensitivity - HS301

How-to video

During daily operation, it may be necessary to adjust sensitivity

TF-Technologies - Manufacturer of high quality Material controls and sensors for the paving industry

AC700 Material Control


Operating instructions for AC700 Material Controller and Sensor